I attended a weekend get-away with MBSA Secretaries,
hosted by our in-house Travel Agents. We left EL and
stopped over for lunch at the Halyards Hotel in Port Alfred.
We travelled to Bushman Sands, booked into our rooms and
got back into the Vito vans and headed for Lalibela Game
got back into the Vito vans and headed for Lalibela Game
Reserve, where we went on a 3 hour game drive until 19h00,
when supper was served in the main Lapa. They decorated
our faces with Xhosa markings and there was some
Xhosa cuisine and then the Xhosa traditional dances
Xhosa cuisine and then the Xhosa traditional dances
entertained us. Everyone had the opportunity of drumming
along to the songs and performances.
The weather was freezing, so gloves, scarves and woollen
The weather was freezing, so gloves, scarves and woollen
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