Monday, 14 April 2008

Thunderstorms @nd surfing.......

This weekend I hit the ground running. According to my
standards, I achieved so much in such a short time. I
collected my new laptop on Friday afternoon and stopped
at a few shops on the way home as well. I did a load of
washing and hung it on the balcony.
I set up my new computer, made supper, fed and bathed
L and headed back to working on the Bluetooth and
internet connection. Dean got Lauren ready for bed and
read her a story as per usual. I experimented a bit on the
Photo-paintshop programme/software and then called it
a night at about 11pm.

Next morning I headed for church and Dean and Lauren went
to visit Grandpa & Granny Heath. Dean took some plants for
his dad’s garden. We were all back at the house for lunch time.
At 3pm Lauren and I attended Pathfinders until 4pm.
On Saturday night Lauren watched a DVD and after supper
I struggled with the Internet connection again and with
Vodacom~s support it all worked out fine. I now use my
cell phone as a modem. I am slowly reading the PhotoPaintshop
manual for bedtime reading and hope to master that soon.

Sunday morning I headed for the shops to purchase more
goodies for Lauren’s party. Dean and Lauren visited Craig &
Charne’ for L to spend some time with her triplet cousins.
The party list does seem to go on and on, but I am gathering
and purchasing all the time.. when I get time and when I get
to certain shops. This is some of the Princess & Pirate party
shopping list: Cup cake holders, Jelly, Sweets, crowns, eye
patches, suckers, fizzers, chips, juice, bottles of bubbles,
bangles, gold money chocs, fish, hair clips, lipstick,
marshmallow fish, jelly tots, liquorice all-sorts, etc.
[It is not one-stop-shopping! - it is non-stop shopping till
end of May (25th)]

It was overcast most of the weekend and the thunder rolled
over and over, but only on Sunday afternoon after some warm
sun and humidity, did it pour down. It was a “Monkey’s
wedding” for a while. Lauren had left some toys on the balcony,
so she ‘rushed’ to get them.

Monday morning we woke to Lauren moaning non-stop that
she had a sore tummy. The Calpol and a hot water bottle
followed with some bad encounters with the toilet after that.
My mom is fortunately at home after a procedure at the X-ray
department, so granny and grand-daughter are 'taking it easy'
on the bed this morning.

1 comment:

Char said...

Gawsh... it's not even the end of April yet, and already you're shopping for her party at the end of MAY!!! Talk about pro-active. I call pro-active shopping the DAY before! hehe. Some might call that procrastination though. Tsk, tsk.