Monday, 21 April 2008

Rain rain go away, it's Caleb's 1st birthday

This weekend, we had some rain and then some more rain.
It became really cold and then we were 'fast-forwarded' into

On Sunday, 20 April, Caleb turned 1 year old. Mom Terri
and Dad Bryan had the family and some friends around
for a little party.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Thunderstorms @nd surfing.......

This weekend I hit the ground running. According to my
standards, I achieved so much in such a short time. I
collected my new laptop on Friday afternoon and stopped
at a few shops on the way home as well. I did a load of
washing and hung it on the balcony.
I set up my new computer, made supper, fed and bathed
L and headed back to working on the Bluetooth and
internet connection. Dean got Lauren ready for bed and
read her a story as per usual. I experimented a bit on the
Photo-paintshop programme/software and then called it
a night at about 11pm.

Next morning I headed for church and Dean and Lauren went
to visit Grandpa & Granny Heath. Dean took some plants for
his dad’s garden. We were all back at the house for lunch time.
At 3pm Lauren and I attended Pathfinders until 4pm.
On Saturday night Lauren watched a DVD and after supper
I struggled with the Internet connection again and with
Vodacom~s support it all worked out fine. I now use my
cell phone as a modem. I am slowly reading the PhotoPaintshop
manual for bedtime reading and hope to master that soon.

Sunday morning I headed for the shops to purchase more
goodies for Lauren’s party. Dean and Lauren visited Craig &
Charne’ for L to spend some time with her triplet cousins.
The party list does seem to go on and on, but I am gathering
and purchasing all the time.. when I get time and when I get
to certain shops. This is some of the Princess & Pirate party
shopping list: Cup cake holders, Jelly, Sweets, crowns, eye
patches, suckers, fizzers, chips, juice, bottles of bubbles,
bangles, gold money chocs, fish, hair clips, lipstick,
marshmallow fish, jelly tots, liquorice all-sorts, etc.
[It is not one-stop-shopping! - it is non-stop shopping till
end of May (25th)]

It was overcast most of the weekend and the thunder rolled
over and over, but only on Sunday afternoon after some warm
sun and humidity, did it pour down. It was a “Monkey’s
wedding” for a while. Lauren had left some toys on the balcony,
so she ‘rushed’ to get them.

Monday morning we woke to Lauren moaning non-stop that
she had a sore tummy. The Calpol and a hot water bottle
followed with some bad encounters with the toilet after that.
My mom is fortunately at home after a procedure at the X-ray
department, so granny and grand-daughter are 'taking it easy'
on the bed this morning.

Monday, 07 April 2008

Blowing in the wind.............

I was on leave on Friday to spend the day doing business
around town. I got a quote for a new Laptop for home. I met
two Roof sealant companies at our church, so I can get quotes
for repairs to the church’s leaking roof. I bought some more
goodies for Lauren’s birthday party and did some grocery
shopping. I collected Lauren from Playschool early and we
hired two DVDs to watch for the rest of the afternoon.
Dean was away in Port Elizabeth on business.

Next morning, we attended church and after lunch a friend
and her two children came around for a visit. It was a pleasant
afternoon and the children had fun socialising and playing games.

On Sunday, we attended a braai, a former colleague who lives
in Gonubie. There were a few colleagues from work with their
wives and children. So Lauren had another day of socialising
and also getting to know new faces.

After our outing to Gonubie, we went for a walk along the
Nahoon river at the lower Abbotsford causeway. Lauren
and Dean spent some time looking for and catching crabs.
The wind started blowing really hard and by the time we
arrived home, it was blowing serious gale force winds.


Game, Set and Match.......

For many years I have been playing tennis with 3 friends
from work. I have worked with them for 18 years now and
they are very special to me. We have such fun on the tennis
court......joking, fuming and playing a great game of tennis.
We have our good days and bad days, but it is always worth
the time spent on the court. Thanks to Dee Bowker, Nettie Birch
and Sharon van Wyk for all the good times and hope there are
many more great times ahead.


Lauren looking more like her father everyday!