Monday, 29 October 2007

Whale of a time on the weekend..........

Lauren packed her bags and headed for Lance and Allison on Saturday afternoon. She was very excited and had a ball staying over at their house. She watched DVDs, played games and had her favourite sausage and chips for supper and went to church with L & A on Sunday morning. Apparently our child was as good as Gold!

I slept until 10h00 on Sunday morning. Dean and I attended our ‘annual formal outing' on Saturday night. We were invited by my Manager, along with all the managers that report to him, to attend the Hospice Charity – Night of the Stars – Ball, at the Regent Hotel. The band 'Centre Stage' performed and they were excellent performers. It was a very enjoyable evening. We left the function at 12:15.

Lauren and Dean attended a Marine Day at the East London Harbour.

Craig, Charne’, Dale, Erin, Jenna & Kayla went away for a stunning weekend to Haga Haga.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Great to see photos! I'm so glad to see Lauren looking well. I read of her illness on your blog - Geoff was not well at the time either and we sort of lost touch with others for that week. I hope that there are no long term problems after the illness and that she will be a healthy little girl this summer!
love to you all,

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