Thursday, 03 May 2007

In Memory.......

Sad news - Dean's Aunt Rhoda passed away in her home on Sunday
morning - 29 Apr.
Dean' mom died in January 07 and now her sister in April 07.
Both from a heart condition.

Very sad news - My brother's wife, Allison has lost her brother, Andrew.
Andrew lived in the Transkei and owned a Trading store. He was robbed and
killed yesterday afternoon 2 May, when he was closing up.
Andrew was 38 years old.

1 comment:

Geoff and Caron said...

Sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. How terrible about Alison's brother. As sad as it is to loose an older member of the family, it is even more tragic when someone is recklessly and needlessly killed in their prime. Please convey my condolences to Alison and Lance, and also to Dean for the loss of his Aunt.
Lots of love from the UK,
C and G