Thursday, 20 December 2007

Happy Christmas to all our friends and family!

(I will be on leave from work 21 December '07 and back 7 January '08)

It was my Gran Rowan's 84th birthday yesterday. We gathered for tea and cake at my parents home in the evening.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Merry Merry Merry........Shopping shopping shopping....

I have been shopping for 3 days (Friday – PE, Sunday & Monday – EL) I have finally completed all my Christmas shopping! I can’t say I didn’t have fun. I actually enjoyed it. I think what made it kind of pleasant, was that I had a list and knew exactly what I was looking for. Roaming around endlessly, trying to see something ‘NICE’, doesn’t work for me. Lauren stayed with Granny and Grandpa when we were away in PE. On Sunday, Lauren and Dean spent the day together, playing with cousins and seeing ½ a movie and visiting folk, while I shopped at Beacon Bay Retail Park.
On Monday, Lauren and I set out at 11h30..... to see the Bee Movie and do a bit of shopping before and after at Vincent Park. We bought tickets for the 14h30 show when we arrived and then went shopping. The poor child probably had blisters on her feet by the time we actually got to sitting in the movie. We each had a Shamrock steak pie for lunch sitting on a bench and ran around the shopping centre a bit more. Finally at 14h25 we arrived at Ster Kinnekor and bought some popcorn and fanta. The place was packed, but we really enjoyed the little bee story. After some tears were wiped away and I promised her some nice goodies and a ride in the trolley, we then went to Woolworths for a few more things. On the way home, we stopped at a few shops in the neighbourhood and returned at 18h00 last night. Dean was making a fire for a little braai for supper. Yeah! We were so tired. Our(MY) feet were so sore. After our tasty supper and all, we dropped into bed.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Christmas season Weekends........

As it goes, little children cannot leave the Christmas tree alone and our daughter is no exception. She hovers around the Christmas tree and tries to re-decorate it every now and then. She has even been so bold as to open one present given to her that was lying under the tree…. So that has been confiscated, re-wrapped and hidden!

Last week Lauren received her silver medal for Dance classes. Being her first medal and all, she really doesn’t see the significance of such awards!?.....and here’s Mom and dad and all, showering her with praises and congratulating her on her achievement.
Lauren with Father Christmas who visited the school on Friday!

We attended a wedding ceremony in our church on Sunday. Lauren just loves seeing brides and Princess dresses, so she was delighted to attend. The happy couple are Caryn Barlow and Darin Bradfield, married by visiting Rev. M Webb.

Lauren on her way out with her dad to visit her cousins and pop in at the shop.

Happy Birthday to Terri-anne for today!

Friday, 07 December 2007

Concert and Christmas Party

Lauren had a festive week with the Playschool concert performance on Wednesday at Beaconhurst school. Lauren was an ant and a chicken in the play.

Father Christmas visited the Playschool on Friday morning and (all parents sent presents before hand) gave the children a small Christmas present. Sweets and treats were then enjoyed by all. ( to follow)

Monday, 03 December 2007

Lights, no camera, action.........

We had really good weather for swimming and outdoor activities this weekend.
Lauren and I visited her principal and 2 daughters and Lauren enjoyed the afternoon swimming. Dean, Lauren and I were also invited to friends, Sherene and Bryan for lunch and Lauren spent another afternoon swimming with her friend Rachel. After an active weekend, Lauren still had enough energy to help set up the Christmas tree last night. The Heath’s tree is up and on time this year!